Freedom of Expression Committee

Call to Action

Response from the Government of Ontario
REGISTRATION: 2007 AC as Protest
About the Activism Course
Letter: ES Exec to Dean - March 2007
Letters of Support 2006
Letters to Patry in 2007
Replies from Patry 2007
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- - - The FEC has begun a new petition campaign - - -

In removing Professor Denis Rancourt from all three first-year courses that he has developed, the President, VP-Academic, and Dean of the Faculty of Science of the University of Ottawa have violated freedom of expression. We ask that they be resigned from their positions and that Prof. Rancourt's courses be reinstated.


Go to the petition website, to read the full petition text and sign!

Use/adapt this blurb as you see fit.  YOUR URGENT HELP IS NEEDED.
You’ve heard of the activism course at the University of Ottawa…  You know:  weekly radical speakers, intrinsic motivation, no institutional evaluation, self-directed democratically determined curriculum, open to all, pivotal societal issues… 
You know the one… and its associated Cinema Politica… 
Well, guess what? 
The university administration is working to close it all down. 
Unbelievable eh? 
They have concluded that free expression and defiant critical analysis of the institution itself are not in line with their marketing strategy or with the interests of the corporate-minded executive…  Go figure? 
This looks like a job for the Freedom of Expression Committee (FEC)! 
Join the battle for democratic control of the University of Ottawa so that students can get the courses they want – well, at least one or two of the courses they want. 
Join the FEC in helping the executive of the University of Ottawa understand that students sometimes get what they want. 
Join the battle NOW!
Ongoing Actions:
(1) Send in your registration to the President’s office
(2) Write to President Gilles Patry (with FEC in cc)
The FEC demands are: 
(1) Activism course must be given in September 2007.
(2) A second-year activism course must be approved and given in September 2007.
(3) Teaching assistant and speaker resources must be allocated for these courses.
For more details, go to the FEC Action Campaigns page.
Please contact the FEC with any questions or join the FEC as we make democracy: