The course will be a real activism course in which the course itself is a protest. Such a protest is legal under the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, since all other avenues have been exhausted.
If you would like to be part of this dynamic and unique learning experience (an activism course as protest) this fall at the
University of Ottawa please join the class list by contacting the FEC:
The main focus of the course will be the development and application of effective activist methods to obtain and create the
activism courses SCI 1101 and SCI 2101 and to guarantee freedom of expression on campus and more democratic control of university
An optional assignment will be for students to use activism in winning their official university credits for SCI 1101 or SCI
2101. There will be no grades and this course will not affect your GPA.
The classroom will be itinerant and possibly distributed (depending on strategy). The main classroom will be the central
lobby area of Tabaret Hall (the central administration building). Bring your cushions and chairs. Expect dynamic speakers
and expect to participate.